The Making of America 1740-1860: 

        Data from the Magazine Project

Note:  Each excel file contains a worksheet describing where the data came from and explaining how they were gathered.

Post office -- national level data, 1740-1860 (excel file)

Post office -- state-level data, 1740-1860 (excel file)

Population -- state-level data, 1740-1860 (excel file)

Population -- number of urban areas & urban population, 1760-1860 (excel file)

Education -- number of Sunday schools in each state, 1740-1860 (excel file)
Education -- number of colleges founded in each state, 1639-1860 (excel file)

Religion -- number of congregations by denomination & state, 1740-1860 (excel file with data) (pdf describing data sources & prep)

Religion -- states where religious revivals occurred, 1740-1860 (excel file)

Coming soon...

Population & basic economic data -- national level data, 1740-1860 (excel file)

Magazine data -- list of magazines published 1740-1860 (excel file with data) (pdf describing data sources & data prep)